BEKASI - The Trade Office of Bekasi Regency, West Java appealed to tofu and tempeh craftsmen in the area to continue to produce and at the same time asked them to modify the size of the product.

"So they can still carry out the production process to marketing so that tofu and tempeh, which are one of the people's favorite dishes, are still available on the market," said Head of the Bekasi Regency Trade Office Muchlis in Cikarang, Antara, Tuesday, February 22.

According to him, the production process of tofu and tempeh by modifying the size adjusted to the increase in the price of soybeans as the main ingredient can be used as a solution so that the availability of these products remains in the market.

"I hope that traders can continue to produce, for example by reducing the size of tofu and tempeh on the market, so that traders can continue to run the economy and the availability of tofu and tempeh remains on the market," he said.

The Head of Control of Basic and Important Goods at the Bekasi Regency Trade Office Helmi Yenti said that she had given instructions to the UPTD Pasar to monitor the availability of tofu and tempeh in the market.

The next instruction is to urge tofu and tempeh craftsmen to remain peaceful and orderly when carrying out a production strike, alluding to the action of craftsmen throughout Java which will be held from 21-23 February 2022.

He admitted that he understood the conditions experienced by tofu and tempeh traders, especially in Bekasi Regency following the increase in soybean prices in the market.

"This condition was triggered by the increase in the price of soybean imports from abroad, from the United States," he said.

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