JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo summoned Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto and Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah to the State Palace today.

Jokowi summoned Airlangga and Ida because they knew there was a polemic regarding old age insurance (JHT) which was protested by labor groups.

To his two ministers, Jokowi ordered that the Minister of Manpower Regulation No. 2 of 2022 regarding the new JHT rules be revised. Jokowi asked for easier disbursement of JHT.

This was stated by the Minister of State Secretary Pratikno in a YouTube show of the Ministry of State Secretariat "Mr. President has ordered that the procedures and requirements for payment of JHT be simplified, made easy, so that JHT funds can be taken by individual workers who are currently experiencing difficult times. especially those who are facing layoffs," said Pratikno, Monday, February 21.

However, Pratikno has not explained in more detail the contents of the revised Permenaker No. 2 of 2022.

"How the arrangements will be later, will be further regulated in the revised regulation of the Minister of Manpower or other regulations," he said.

On the other hand, Jokowi asked workers to continue to support a conducive situation in order to increase Indonesia's competitiveness in inviting investment.

"This is very important in order to open up more quality jobs," he added.

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