AMBON - The joint SAR team is currently carrying out operations to deal with shipwreck accidents at sea that occurred in a number of different locations in Maluku Province. one long boat passenger who went missing in the waters of Muara Sir Sir, Aru Islands Regency," said Head of the Ambon Basarnas Search and Rescue Office, Mustari in Ambon, Monday, February 21. Then there was a shipwreck in the waters of Tanjung Ular Ohoi Waer, Southeast Maluku Regency, which led to the death of five people. "We ask the media to be patient, after all the data on today's ship accident has been completed and then it will be forwarded to the public," he said. For the ship accident in which one fisherman lost contact in the Rohomoni waters, it was known that his name was Hadji Guru Sangadji (42 Meanwhile, one long boat passenger who was reported missing in the A Islands Regency Ru is reported to be named Obet Siksikul, although five other long boat passengers have been found safe. One fisherman in the waters of Rohomoni Village has reportedly lost contact since Sunday, February 20, at around 21:00 WIT at location 3°33'12.00"S - 128°23'47.73"E with a distance from Kansar Ambon approximately 40 KM, Heading : 244° Southwest from Kansar Ambon. Kansar Ambon who received a report from the victim's family named Mrs. Lela explained that Hadji Guru Sangadji went to sea and disappeared around the waters of Rohomoni, Haruku Island since yesterday and has not returned, even though the community has searched but to no avail. "S 128°23'47.73"E with a distance of approximately 40 Km, Heading 244° Southwest from Kansar Ambon. Meanwhile, the Commander of the Polairud Dobo Post, Maluku Regional Police, Iptu Erwin Terloit who was contacted separately also confirmed that two long boats had sunk in the sea. the waters of the Aru Islands due to high waves and strong winds. "It happened at around 07:30 WIT where two long boats carrying six people from Kobamar Village heading to Dobo City were hit by waves around the mouth of the Sir-Sir river and five people survived, but one has not been found. ," said Erwin. The victim is still in search of the joint SAR team named Obet Siksikul. The location of the incident is 5.529749°- 134.499277° with a distance from the Unit Dobo SAR Alert to LKP approximately 27 NM, Heading 50.64 northeast of the Dobo SAR Alert Unit. The Dobo SAR Alert Unit Rescue Team along with the SAR Potential used the UPP Class III Dobo fast boat to the search location at coordinates 5.529749° - 134.499277°, with a distance of approximately 27 NM, Heading 50.64° northeast of the Dobo SAR Alert Unit. Previously BMKG Meteorological Station class II Pattimura Ambon, Maluku had warned residents to be aware of the potential for bad weather (heavy to very heavy rain) on 20 - 26 February 2022. Residents are advised to be aware of rain with moderate to heavy intensity accompanied by lightning, lightning and strong winds. Head of BMKG Ambon Pattimura Station, Kamari said bad weather could potentially occur in Ambon City, Buru Regency, South Buru, Central Maluku, West Seram, Eastern Seram, Southeast Maluku, Southwest Maluku, Aru Islands, Tanimbar Islands Regency and Tual City. Beware of strong winds >45 km/hour that have the potential to occur in the w the area of Tual City, Southeast Maluku Regency, Tanimbar Islands Regency, Aru, and Southwest Maluku. Kamari stated that the results of the analysis of the upper layer wind field showed the potential for low pressure in the Southeast region of Papua and the Arafura Sea, which could lead to the formation of an air mass slowing area in the Maluku region. In addition, the sea surface temperature anomaly (SPL) in the past week around the Maluku waters shows a relatively warm condition, especially in the Banda sea waters and the Kei - Aru Islands waters which indicates an additional supply of water vapor around the area. supported by the state of the upper layer of air humidity indicates the condition is quite wet in the Maluku region.

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