JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission IX, Kurniasih Mufidayati, admitted that she was surprised by the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) 1/2022 on Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program. The regulation requires the public to include BPJS Health membership as a condition for buying and selling land and houses.

Mufida was surprised that the BPJS Health card suddenly became a magic card for all affairs, even buying and selling land. Moreover, he said, the existence of this Presidential Instruction would involve many ministries and institutions.

"This Presidential Instruction on Optimizing the Implementation of JKN is surprising to us, because it involves so many ministries/agencies. And matters that make BPJS Health membership a requirement for administrative matters," said Mufida, Monday, February 21.

The PKS legislator for the DKI Jakarta constituency explained that the regulation is not only a condition for buying and selling land. However, also the processing of SIM, STNK, SKCK at the Police, list of hajj and umrah, application for People's Business Credit (KUR), application for business licenses including farmers and fishermen who receive the assistance program.

"Many affairs require mandatory requirements to have BPJS Health," said Mufida.

According to Mufida, there are still many ways that can be done to increase BPJS Health membership rather than being a requirement in many places. Moreover, it must be related to many other ministries and institutions.

First, he said, it could be done by optimizing socialization and education to the public, especially those who were not yet participants.

"In fact, there should be regulations that guarantee that all poor and underprivileged people are guaranteed to become members of the PBI. So that the incapable people feel protected and their health insurance financing is fulfilled," explained Mufida.

Second, continued Mufida, is improving the quality of services by both BPJS Health and Health Service Facilities (Fasyankes) that accept the use of BPJS Health.

"Through improving the quality of BPJS services and in health facilities, it will increase the benefits to the community so that they will be excited to become members because they see the real and good benefits," said Mufida.

It is known that the government has given new conditions for people who want to buy and sell land. Starting March 1, 2022, the BPJS Health Card must be attached as a condition for applying for land transaction services.

This is in accordance with the contents of the Letter of the Director General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration (PHPT) of the Ministry of ATR/BPN Number HR.02/153-400/II/2022.

The letter explained that the new requirements for BPJS Health attachments were set in accordance with the mandate of Presidential Instruction No. 1 of 2022 concerning Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).

The Presidential Instruction instructs the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of the National Land Agency to ensure that applicants for registration of transfer of land rights because buying and selling are active participants in the National Health Insurance program.

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