JAKARTA - The National Police's Food Task Force will investigate the findings of the hoarding of 1.1 million kilograms by a private company in the Deli Serdang area, North Sumatra. The deepening is done by examining the pattern of production to distribution.

"Based on these findings, the food task force has conducted an in-depth investigation regarding the stock, how much is the production capacity, how much is sold in one day," said Inspector General Helmy Santika, Head of the National Police's Food Task Force, to reporters on Monday, February 21.

This deepening is carried out to determine whether there is a difference in the data per day with the number found today.

The comparison is to ensure whether or not there are criminal violations related to hoarding. Where, the hoarding action is regulated in Presidential Regulation 71 of 2015 concerning the determination and storage of basic necessities and essential goods.

"This is still deepening but in more detail," said Helmy.

Previously, the pile of cooking oil found by the Food Task Force Team of North Sumatra Province in Deli Serdang Regency, turned out to belong to PT Salim Ivomas Pratama Tbk (SIMP). Unmitigated pile of cooking oil that is ready to be marketed amounted to 1.1 million kilograms.

Head of the North Sumatra Provincial Government's Economic Bureau, Naslindo Sirait, stated that the reason the company was hoarding cooking oil was because they were afraid of losing money. Where, currently the government has determined the highest retail price (HET) of Rp. 14 thousand.

"When we asked why it was being held up like this, they submitted their complaints, afraid of losing the HET now," said Naslindo.

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