JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution has his own way of resolving the gabion chaos in the residential area and business center of J City, Kwala Bekala Village, Medan Johor District.
It all started with complaints from residents regarding the Babura river gabions by the J City developer on the right side of the river. For information, gabions are baskets of wire for wrapping river stones
Due to gabions on the right side, residential areas across the river are often flooded. So the River Basin Agency (BWS), which at that time was represented by Agus Hutabarat as a member of the Rekomtek, responded by planning to demolish it.
Bobby Nasution, who came to the area on Sunday, February 20, did not agree with the demolition plan. He believes there are other solutions that can be taken.

There is also a developer representative Candra Lingga. So Bobby Nasution also instructed the J City developer to make gabions on the right side for approximately 150 meters. Because it is the desire of local residents.
"Why is this being demolished. I don't want to defend J City, even though this is also an investment for city development. But residents' complaints must also be heard. I ask the developer and BWS to make a decision so that gabions are also built on the right side. Yes, there is a decision from the developer," said Bobby, quoted from the Pemko website

When reviewing the gabions, many residents asked the number one person in the Medan City Government to build gabions on the right side. One of them is a housewife from the neighborhood of 3 Kwala Bekala Village, Medan Johor District, named Temu. He said, since the gabions in the J City area, residents in the area have been affected, namely they often experience flooding when it rains.
Temu revealed, residents asked not to just block one side, because since this section of the gabion where they live on the opposite side is affected every time it rains it will flood, and they even took refuge in the mosque.
"For this reason, we ask the Guardian to help us convey to the developer so that not only one side of the gabion is used, but also the other side, to be precise around the resident's village on the opposite side," said Temu.
Bobby Nasution firmly asked the BWS and the developer to fulfill requests from the environmental community of 3 Kelurahan, Kwala Bekala, Medan Johor Subdistrict to meet the community's demands to build gabions.
"If you can't provide clarity until the specified time, then we will ask Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to build the gabion. It's the same, whether we build it, or directly the development party, please," said President Jokowi's son-in-law.
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