JAKARTA - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Lebak Regency, Banten Province reminded residents to be aware of floods and landslides following an increase in rainfall in the area. The Head of the Emergency and Logistics Section of the Lebak Regency BPBD Agus Reza Faisal in Lebak, Sunday, February 20. The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) also issued an early warning forecast for heavy rain accompanied by lightning and strong winds in the Lebak Regency area.

Most of Lebak Regency, out of 28 sub-districts, are prone to flooding and landslides, because the natural conditions are mountains, hills and rivers. In Banten Province, Lebak Regency has the most rivers, because it is an upstream area. Potential for natural disasters that, he said, if there was heavy rain accompanied by strong winds and lightning. In fact, recently it was recorded that six villages spread across four sub-districts were hit by floods and landslides, but there were no fatalities.

"We have sent a letter of warning warning of natural disasters to sub-district, village, sub-district officials and volunteers," he said, quoted from Antara. The people of Lebak Regency who live in locations prone to natural disasters must increase their vigilance, so that they can avoid the disaster.

"Since the floods and landslides in 2020 there have been no casualties due to floods and landslides," he said. He said the Lebak Regency BPBD provided logistics in the form of basic materials, snacks, side dishes, used clothes, blankets and medicines. for the next six months from the assistance of local governments, provinces, BNPB, as well as from various state-owned companies. "We prioritize the distribution of post-natural disaster logistics for basic service needs," said Agus.

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