PASAMAN BARAT - The Drug Investigation Unit Team of the West Pasaman Police, West Sumatra secured 44 marijuana plants in polybags belonging to the suspect with the initials AMH (34) in Jorong Lubuak Sariak Nagari Kajai Baru, Talamau District.

"We arrested the suspect with evidence of marijuana plants on Friday, February 18 at around 07.00 WIB. Today we just published it", said Head of the West Pasaman Police Narcotics Unit, AKP Eri Yanto, at Simpang Empat, quoted by Antara on Saturday, February 19.

He said that from the suspect's hands, his party secured 41 plants suspected of being a type of marijuana about one meter high and three plants suspected of being a type of marijuana measuring 20 centimeters high.

Then 44 black polybags were filled with soil and each planted with seeds or stems of plants suspected of being marijuana, one purple plastic box with the Trisula brand, which contained white tissue and suspected marijuana seeds and one red and white hand sprayer.

"The suspect violated Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 111 paragraph (2) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics with the threat of life imprisonment or a minimum of five years and a maximum of 20 years, a minimum fine of IDR 800 million and a maximum of IDR 8 billion. billion", he said.

The disclosure of the case began with information from the public regarding the Jorong Lubuak Sariak area, Nagari Kajai Talamau, in the community's corn garden there was a plant suspected of having marijuana.

Then the Team of the Narcotics Unit of the West Pasaman Police investigated by ascertaining where the correct position was and ensuring that the plant was suspected of being a type of marijuana.

After an investigation was carried out, information was obtained that it was true that there was a plant suspected of being a type of marijuana around the corn plant.

"From the results of the investigation, it was obtained information from the owner of the garden and the plant suspected that the type of marijuana was AMH", he said.

Furthermore, Friday, February 18, at around 07.00 WIB, the suspect was arrested.

After that, the suspect was taken to the garden where the marijuana plant was planted and he admitted that the plant was suspected to be his and the marijuana seeds contained in the polybag belonged to him.

"The suspect admitted who planted and took care of it", he said.

The police officers then summoned the Nagari or village officials to witness the arrest and confiscation of the suspected cannabis plant.

"All evidence and suspects were brought to the Mako Polres Pasaman Barat to be processed according to applicable law. The suspect is currently undergoing examination", he said.

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