JAKARTA - People who want to buy and sell land at this time must have a BPJS Health participant card. This new regulation was conveyed by the government through the Ministry of Agrarian and Spatial Planning (ATR)/BPN saying that the BPJS Health participant card will become a mandatory requirement in buying and selling land.

This regulation was made by the Directorate General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration of the Ministry of ATR/BPN numbered HR.02/164-400/II/2022, which was signed by the Director General of Determination of Land Rights and Registration, Suyus Windayana on 16 February 2022.

"The BPJS Health participant card is a requirement in the application for registration services for the transfer of land rights or ownership rights to flat units due to buying and selling. The implementation of this provision will take effect on March 1, 2022," the letter said, quoted by VOI.id, Saturday, February 19.

This new policy is in line with Presidential Instruction (Inpres) 1/2022 on Optimizing the Implementation of the National Health Insurance Program (JKN).

Referring to the Presidential Instruction 1/2022, the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/Head of BPN must ensure that applicants for registration of transfer of land rights due to sale and purchase are active participants in the JKN program.

"Every application for registration services for the transfer of land rights or ownership rights to flat units due to buying and selling must be accompanied by a photocopy of the BPJS Health participant card," the letter said.

JKN is part of the guarantee program system organized by the government, with a social health insurance mechanism that is mandatory (mandatory).

The JKN program is also contained in Law (UU) Number 40/2004 concerning the National Social Security System (SJSN) which has been amended by Law Number 11/2020 concerning Job Creation (Ciptaker).

The purpose of JKN is to fulfill the basic needs of decent public health which is given to everyone who has paid dues or whose contributions are paid by the government.

"Thus, all residents are obliged to become participants in health insurance, including foreign nationals who work for a minimum of 6 months in Indonesia," reads a copy of the letter.

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