TANGERANG - The Environmental and Hygiene Service (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency admitted that it was difficult to find the source point of the cause of river pollution in the Bukit Tiara Residential area, Pasir Jaya Village, Cikupa, Tangerang Regency.

The reason is the number of flow points that pass through several areas of the company or factory.

“Indeed, the river is polluted, but tracing the source of this waste is difficult. Because there are many upstream source points or branches," said the Tangerang Regency DLHK Legal Development Section (Kasi) Head, Sandi Nugraha when confirmed, Friday, February 18.

In addition, the Tangerang Regency DLHK also cannot routinely carry out field monitoring.

However, so far, his party is still trying to check and re-collect data from laboratory test results related to the water content in polluted river streams.

"We are still waiting for the results of the third party lab. Later, when it is finished, we will continue to investigate the company which is suspected to have polluted the environment,” he said.

Sandi said he would examine three companies that were considered polluting the environment. According to him, the location he inspected produces waste.

"We target that three companies will be examined, because this factory actually produces liquid waste. So we will check," he said.

If later found a company that is proven to be in violation. So it will give strict sanctions by revoking its business license.

"If proven wrong, there will be strict sanctions, the most severe is the revocation of business licenses," he said.

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