JAKARTA - The government will hold a health protocol justification operation to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Indonesia. This operation involves the security apparatus of the TNI-Polri and local governments.

Chairperson of the Committee for Handling COVID-19 and National Economic Recovery (PCPEN) Erick Thohir said the reason for carrying out this operation was because it was not enough to just rely on socializing the application of the COVID-19 protocol.

According to Erick, there needs to be stricter discipline so that the health protocol can work well. This is to prevent the increase in the number of new positive cases.

However, Erick emphasized, this justision operation was not intended to create an impression of coercion on the community. The goal is only to improve discipline.

"Because of that we launch it together with the TNI-Polri, we don't want the impression as if it were repressive, let alone there is an Inpres (which regulates the Justisi operation), but this is nothing but we want to disseminate it. Increasing public discipline must occur," in the 'Oration' event. Scientific Anniversary of Universitas Padjajaran '63rd Anniversary, Friday, 11 September.

Erick said, to support a Healthy Indonesia, discipline using masks, washing hands and maintaining distance in the community must be carried out properly.

"This is not easy, but I believe it will work if the community wants to be a part. We must jointly succeed in the socialization and disciplinary program," he said.

Justisi operations will be carried out by the TNI-Polri in collaboration with the local government, supported by the KPU, Bawaslu, religious leaders, and the community to enforce the discipline of health protocols down to the villages and sub-districts.

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