JAKARTA - The National Mandate Party (PAN) respects Amien Rais' attitude in preparing to form a new party. Vice Chairman of PAN Viva Yoga Mauladi said that establishing a party is a right guaranteed by the constitution.

However, with the establishment of this new party, Amien Rais will no longer be identical with Amien Rais. The public, he said, would judge Amien to have left and left the party even though he founded the party along with a number of other senior figures such as Albert Hasibuan, AM Fatwa, AM Lutfi, Syamsurizal Panggabean, Ismid Hadad, Zoemrotin, Gunawan Muhammad, and Abdillah Toha. .

"If Pak Amien establishes a new political party, the public will judge that PAN will no longer be synonymous with Pak Amien Rais. The public will judge Pak Amien Rais to have left and left PAN," said Viva in his written statement, Friday, September 11.

He suspects that Amien will name his new party PAN Reformasi according to what has been so far. The use of that name, according to him, is a natural thing to get the electoral effect of PAN, which still exists from the reform era to the present.

However, he assessed that the use of the name PAN with the addition of reforms would not have an impact on Amien's new party. "Even if there is an electoral effect, the vibrations are very small, aka nonsignificant," he said.

Viva is sure that the public will think that PAN Reformasi is not a genuine PAN under the leadership of Zulkifli Hasan. In addition, he considered, Amien lacked confidence in his new party if he called it PAN Reformasi.

"It is different from the cases of the establishment of the Gerindra party, the NasDem party, and the Hanura party. Even though the leaders of the new political party are former Golkar cadres, they do not want or do not expect to get the electoral effect of Golkar. established it, "he said.

In addition, Viva alluded to efforts to build party identity at this time requiring a lot of struggle and resources. He thought that the new party in the midst of the current political situation must fight

Furthermore, under current conditions, the effort to build a party identity requires a lot of struggle and party resources. New political parties, he said, in the midst of contemporary politics must struggle to build party infrastructure, prepare militant officials and cadres, so that they must qualify as election participants and the parliamentary threshold.

So he believed that PAN officials and cadres would not join the new party. Because, of course, they will consider many things.

Viva also said that until now no cadre would leave his party and choose to join Amien Rais' party. "Because PAN management and cadres are rational and sensible, of course they will consider this and will not join a new party. If someone joins, the possibility is only small. Not significant," he said.

Previously, former Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Amien Rais gave a leak about his party. According to him, his new party will have a slogan against injustice and is based on Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin.

This was conveyed by Amien through a 4 minute 35 second video uploaded to his YouTube account, Amien Rais Official.

"The principle of our party is Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin. Islam prohibits discrimination against anything. Meanwhile, our motto is against injustice and uphold justice," Amien said as quoted from a video uploaded on Thursday, September 10.

The former chairman of the MPR RI said that this new party was formed because many people felt that there was a need for a new movement. He said those who joined the party agreed that Indonesia was currently on the verge of a crisis ranging from a social crisis to a worsening economic crisis leading to recession and depression.

Furthermore, regarding the logo to the statutes of the party, Amien asked all parties to be patient. This is because he and a number of names who are members of the party are still in deliberation to determine the right time and date to launch this party.

"We ourselves are in deliberation and this is what I can convey first. What is clear, do not forget our principle later Islam Rahmatan Lil Alamin. Fight injustice and uphold justice," he said at the end of the video.

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