MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution confirmed that his party is preparing a revitalization plan for Merdeka Square, including the budget.

Currently, said Bobby Nasution, the Medan City Government is thinking about and preparing for relocation for traders who have been carrying out economic activities in the historic field area. Especially, used book dealers.

This was conveyed by Bobby Nasution during a meeting to discuss the relocation of the Merdeka field traders with the Governor of North Sumatra, Edy Rahmayadi.

According to Bobby Nasution, the Medan City Government is currently preparing the process of relocating the traders. Because, he does not want any community to be harmed in the relocation.

"We have planned the revitalization of Merdeka Square from yesterday. We don't want any community to be harmed in this activity. We have to approach and talk to them about being relocated to another place, so there won't be a commotion," said Bobby Nasution.

Previously, Gubsu Edy Rahmayadi said the revitalization of Merdeka Square was still in the discussion stage and was looking for solutions for traders.

According to him, it takes strong coordination of all parties in the revitalization of Merdeka Square to make it a cultural heritage. The Governor hopes that stakeholders and the government can find the right solution for traders.

"We are looking for a place, we are still processing it because the place will be rebuilt so that traders can carry out their activities again. Therefore, the coordination must be strong to get the right solution for all parties," said the Governor.

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