MEDAN - A total of 21 schools in North Sumatra stopped face-to-face learning (PTM) activities and switched to distance learning (PJJ), because positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 were found in schools.

"The latest report there are 11 PJJ schools from the previous 10 schools, meaning a total of 21 schools implementing PJJ," said Acting Head of the North Sumatra Education Agency Lasro Marbun in Medan quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 17.

He said that in 11 schools that had just switched to the PJJ system, four teachers and 38 students were confirmed positive for COVID-19.

Meanwhile, 187 educators, teachers or students at SMA Matauli who were suspected of being exposed, have undergone a PCR swab or swab test and the results were negative.

"The 187 teaching staff, after the PCR swab was (negative), they were from Matauli High School, from 187 to three (positive), yesterday they tested for reactive antigens," said Lasro.

Although the positive number for COVID-19 at the school is only three people, Lasro has not allowed Matauli High School to hold PTM and has instructed that the PJJ will continue for the next two weeks.

"Other schools, SMA 2 and SMA 3 Medan are still closed for a week. SMA 3 yesterday had a PCR swab, SMA 2 too," he said.

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