GIANYAR - The Payangan Police Sector Team arrested four construction workers who stole thousands of pieces of kepeng bolong coins at Dalem Pekung Temple, Melinggih Village, Payangan District, Gianyar Regency, Bali.

The perpetrators had the initials IGS (37), IKA (31), IPA (34), and IKS (34). They were arrested on Friday, February 11.

"For a loss of Rp. 35,800,000," said Payangan Police Chief, AKP I Putu Agus Ady Wijaya, when confirmed, Thursday, February 17.

Residents previously reported the loss of 2,255 original perforated coins, two gold flowers and sesari money of around Rp. 5 million at Dalem Pekung Temple, Banjar Payangan Desa, Melinggih Village. The kepeng money was previously stored behind the Balai Paruman.

When checked in the storage warehouse, it turned out that two gold flowers and a money storage barrel containing Rp. 5 million had also disappeared.

From this report, the police conducted an investigation to arrest the suspects.

"The modus operandi is that the perpetrators jointly carry out theft by taking the original perforated coins, two gold flowers and sesari money," said AKP Ady Wijaya.

The stolen goods have not been sold by the perpetrators. The suspect admitted to stealing because of the economic crush.

"The motive is wanting to have them for sale as daily necessities and the goods haven't been sold yet," he said.

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