JAKARTA - Secretary General of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Eddy Soeparno responded positively to the increase in Indonesia's democracy index score from 64 to 52 based on a report by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU).

Eddy considered that the two years leading up to the 2024 General Election was the best momentum to improve the quality of democracy while eradicating identity politics narratives. Where Indonesia had experienced divisions in society due to the election.

According to him, to realize a quality democracy, politics must be filled with competing ideas and ideas. Not the other way around, they continue to attack each other with a dividing narrative of identity politics.

"The Cebong and Kadrun debate on social media should be replaced with a battle of ideas and ideas, not attacking each other on social media. PAN believes that the politics of ideas is the key to quality democracy," said Eddy to reporters, Wednesday, February 16.

The deputy chairman of Commission VII DPR invited all parties, both legislative and executive, to continue to improve Indonesia's democracy index.

PAN, continued Eddy, as the biological child of reformation, is responsible for maintaining freedom of expression as part of democracy.

"If all parties have the same commitment, we believe the Indonesian Democracy Index will continue to rise," he said.

It is known, The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) democracy index report in February showed that Indonesia was included in the 10 most developed countries in increasing the democracy index.

On a score scale from 0 to 10, Indonesia is now ranked 52 out of 167 countries with a score of 6.71.

This ranking is up from the previous rank 64. However, Indonesia is still below Malaysia, which is ranked 39th with a score of 7.24.

According to the EIU, Indonesia is also in the category of 10 countries with the most advanced achievements in the democracy index. The other 9 countries are Zambia, Qatar, Moldova, India, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Montenegro, Guyana, Uruguay, UAE and Singapore.

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