PALEMBANG - The City Government of Palembang, South Sumatra has determined the implementation of the third level of community activity restrictions (PPKM) which will last for the next two weeks.

Palembang Mayor Harnojoyo said the implementation of the third level PPKM refers to instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) whose aim is to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 which is experiencing an increasing trend.

"The instructions have been forwarded through the mayor's circular letter to the public from February 14 to February 28, Palembang has the status of PPKM level three," said Harnojoyo after a meeting with elements of the Palembang Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) at the mayor's official residence, February 14th.

According to Harnojoyo, during PPKM level three there are several points of restrictions imposed, such as worship activities, wedding receptions from the previous 25 percent to a maximum of 50 percent of the room capacity.

Furthermore, for mall operations, a maximum of 50 percent of the existing capacity, with operating hours from 10.00 - 21.00 western Indonesia time at the same time also applies to the activities of street vendors.

Then activities in the office also apply 50 percent offline and 50 percent online (WFH) as well as teaching and learning activities in schools.

"As for public transportation, it is 70 percent. However, for aircraft transportation, the capacity remains 100 percent," he added.

So with the enactment of the PPKM level three-period, Harnojoyo appealed, community members must strictly comply with the stipulated rules while still implementing strict health protocols.

Based on the data recap of the Palembang City Health Office as of Monday, February 14, the number of positive confirmed cases of COVID-19 was 3,185, each consisting of 2,751 symptomatic and 434 asymptomatic cases.

Of the 2,751 symptomatic cases, 29 patients were treated at the hospital, 2,562 patients were self-isolating and then 155 cases recovered, and five patients died.

Then for the asymptomatic cases, 434 cases included 406 self-isolated patients and 28 cases recovered. So currently there are a total of 2,997 active cases of COVID-19 in Palembang.

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