JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked all his staff to map and evaluate the causes of the increase in the daily number of COVID-19 in their respective regions. This is important so that you can know the steps or strategies for handling and controlling the COVID-19 pandemic that will be used.

“This is a concern for all, although on the one hand what makes the difference is the occupancy of beds in hospitals. The death rate, when compared to the Delta variant, is still far away," said Sigit when giving directions to lead the Video Conference (Vicon) meeting to all ranks at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday, February 15, quoted from Antara.

According to him, the difference in the hospital BOR rate and the current death rate has not put Indonesia in a safe condition from the threat of the spread of COVID-19. Because based on facts on the ground, there is still an increase in the death toll even though the increase is not like the Delta variant that occurred in July 2021.

The four-star general said evaluation and mapping were needed to find out the cause of the spike in positive cases of COVID-19 in the country. Is it because the discipline of the residents in implementing health protocols has decreased or the high social interaction of the community has made a crowd.

"Of course it must be managed and adjusted to the Circular of the Minister of Home Affairs, then everything must be done to suppress the growth rate of the Omicron variant," he said.

The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police explained that in general Indonesia's recovery rate is currently 92 percent or above WHO's 75 percent. Then the mortality rate is below WHO standards.

For the positivity rate, Indonesia is at 16.5 percent or above the WHO standard of five percent. The hospital occupancy rate is 31 percent or below the WHO standard of around 60 percent. The isoter occupancy in the DKI Jakarta area is generally at an average of 28.93 percent.

"Friends, regarding these figures, it is necessary to hold a limited meeting to evaluate PPKM. The President pays special attention. He wants an increase in the acceleration of vaccination that has been carried out within the next 1-2 weeks," explained Sigit.

Sigit explained that it is important to accelerate vaccination to deal with various national and international agendas that will be held in the country. Some of the agendas include the MotoGP event at the Mandalika Circuit, NTB to a series of G20 Presidency events in Bali.

"It's a gamble (the Indonesian nation) whether this can go well or if its activities are reduced or postponed due to the uncontrolled growth rate of COVID-19," said Sigit.

The former Head of the National Police Propam Division expressed his gratitude to his staff for carrying out accelerated vaccinations. It was recorded that within one week, the national average vaccination rate stood at 1,177,497.

He asked the ranks to maintain and even increase the achievement of vaccination rates in the next few weeks.

Sigit emphasized that the disciplining of residents in the use of masks has begun to decline. In fact, the use of masks is an effort to protect themselves and others from being exposed to COVID-19 in addition to vaccination.

For this reason, he asked his staff in the regions to coordinate with the local COVID-19 Task Force to continue to disseminate health protocols, especially the use of masks.

"When I visited yesterday, there were a lot of people who didn't wear masks. For that we need activities or steps to socialize the process and use masks," concluded Sigit.

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