JAKARTA - A prisoner named Muslim Bin Haririm escaped from the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Pangkalpinang, Bangka Belitung. This prisoner is being hunted by law enforcement officers.

He is believed to have not fled too far from the prison area because he does not have the money and means of communication. Currently, the joint team that was formed continues to hunt for his whereabouts.

This joint team consisted of the Class IIA Narcotics Prison in Pangkalpinang, the Bangka Belitung Police, the Pangkalpinang Police, the Babel Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP), and the Pangkalpinang City National Narcotics Agency (BNNK).

"Most likely he is still around here (Pangkalpinang-ed) because he doesn't have a cellphone and money, of course the steps are limited, unless someone helps," said Head of the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Pangkalpinang Sugeng Hardono quoted from a written statement from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights on Tuesday, 15 February.

Muslim escaped by climbing the prison wall around 16.00. While doing the escape, rain and strong winds occur.

Sugeng asked the community to help in this search. The trick is to report to the police or the nearest prison if you see Muslims.

In addition, he also reminded the public not to help Muslim escapees. Moreover, the search team was at work.

Meanwhile, regarding the escape of Muslims, Sugeng said that his party was increasing and strengthening supervision and security at the Class IIA Narcotics Prison in Pangkalpinang. One of them, by increasing routine patrols from four times a day to six to eight times.

Not only that, this incident also made the prison authorities continue to evaluate the standard security procedures. Because, the wall that reaches 7 meters high does not make Muslims give up climbing.

"What is clear is that we have learned a lesson, maybe all this time we felt that the 7-meter-high wall was impassable, but in fact we can. What does that mean in the future? We must increase our vigilance," he said.

Muslim bin Haririm is a prisoner who was sentenced to 7 years, a subsidiary to 6 months, and a fine of IDR 800,000. The Central Lampung resident had just served his sentence of 1.5 years before escaping.

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