JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya appealed to the public not to park vehicles in quiet places so as not to become the target of motor vehicle theft perpetrators.

"This is an appeal to the public, we also need to convey that in terms of securing each vehicle, it must be properly prepared, then do not park in a quiet place," said Head of Public Relations at Polda Metro Jaya Police Chief Commissioner Yusri Yunus at a meeting. press at Mako Polda Metro Jaya, reported by Antara, Thursday 10 September.

Yusri said the police would continue to remind the public about the mode of the motor vehicle theft perpetrators because a vehicle that is landed in a quiet place is an easy target for thieves who can break into a motorcycle lock in less than a minute.

"Why do I often convey modes like this? So that people can also realize that their mode is patrols seeing vehicles parked in a quiet place, this could be the target of these actors," he said.

Investigators from the Subdit Resmob of Ditreskrimum Polda Metro Jaya have just arrested two perpetrators of motor vehicle theft with the initials MN and AW. The second mode also targets motorbikes that are parked in quiet places.

"Their mode of riding together is patrols to see vehicles parked in shophouses, housing estates, offices, which do park vehicles in quiet places, see the situation is safe with their lightning speed, using less than 1 minute he can steal a motorbike," said Yusri.

Apart from arresting the two thieves, the police also arrested a family of five, all of whom are involved in motor vehicle theft.

The first is a woman with the initials S, whose role is to order a stolen vehicle and receive the stolen money to be sold again.

Next is L who is her husband S, then AR and AI who are their second biological children and D as adopted children. His roles were variously starting to receive loot, providing tools for picking (breaking motorcycle locks), modifying stolen motorbikes so they would not be recognized, and selling stolen motorbikes.

For their actions, MN and AW suspects were subject to Article 363 of the Criminal Code concerning theft, while S, L, AR, AI and D were subject to Article 480 of the Criminal Code concerning the detention of stolen goods with the threat of a sentence of up to five years in prison.

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