KENDARI - The Kendari Basarnas conducted a search operation for a fisherman named Daeng Alle (60) who was reported missing in the vicinity of the Nii Tanasa waters, Lalonggasusumeeto District and Labengki Island, Konawe Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. February 14 at around 22:32 WITA from the village head of Nii Tanasa named Asri who reported that the victim had not returned from fishing. SAR assistance," he said in Kendari, Tuesday, February 15. The joint SAR team conducted a search for victims starting at 06.30 WITA which was carried out by conducting a sweep around the last location of the victim's whereabouts. 1 use one The rubber boat unit combed to the south and left of the last location of the victim's whereabouts," he explained.

Team 2, using three longboats, searched the south and right of the last location of the victim's whereabouts. Then Team 3 used four longboats to search the north-right side of the victim's last location. Furthermore, Team 4 used three longboats to search the north-left side of the victim's last location. Aris said that the report was also carried out by Kendari Coast Radio Station (SROP). , Kendari Harbormaster and Port Authority (KSOP) Office and Molawe Port Management Unit (KUPP) Office to ships passing or passing routes around the victim's last location. find or see signs of the victim's whereabouts," he explained. The victim, a resident of Nii Tanasa Village, Lalonggasusumeeto District, Konawe Regency, was reported not to have returned since Monday (14/2) at around 15.00 WITA. The victim is thought to have disappeared between the waters of Nii Tanasa and Labengki Island, Konawe Regency.

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