JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has again implemented strict Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) starting Monday, September 14.

For activities in places of worship, Anies made adjustments. Houses of worship, with congregations who come from various regions, are not allowed to be opened.

"Houses of worship, whose congregations come from everywhere, where such places are not allowed to be opened, must be closed," said Anies at the City Hall of DKI, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, September 9.

However, houses of worship in villages or in housing complexes that are only used by the local community, may be opened.

Then, there is the exception of areas per RW which have a high number of cases. "RW with high cases, worship activities must be done at home. But, others can do activities as long as only for residents in the area," said Anies.

"Even so, let me recommend that everything be done at home," he continued.

Anies said that the initial PSBB decision was taken at the Task Force meeting this afternoon. It is deemed necessary to tighten residents' activities given the increasing number of positive COVID-19 patients.

"So looking at this emergency, there are not many options for Jakarta residents except pulling the emergency brake as soon as possible," said Anies.

Currently, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is preparing regulations for the preparation of the PSBB as it was at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Later, there are 11 essential areas that will continue to run, but their implementation will still be minimized.

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