JAKARTA - The Special Detachment (Densus) 88 Anti-terror Team of the National Police revealed the role of four suspected terrorists from the Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) group in Central Java, who were involved in various activities, including those related to the arrest of other terrorist suspects.

"The law enforcement is an extension of the arrests of other suspected members of the JI group," said Head of the Public Information Bureau (Karo Penmas) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, quoted by Antara, Monday, February 14. each with the initials RAB, AJ, N and M.Ramadhan explained that N was a member of JI and had made muahadah or sworn allegiance in 2017. In addition, N was also a participant in the Sasana Satria Mas Purwodadi group 1 of the 7th batch in 2018.N had attended Wushu martial arts training in Grobogan together with JI members, led by K. He actively participates in JI general studies and special studies in Srondol.

Next, RAB is a member of JI and has volunteered in 2013, by participating in a physical strengthening selection at the Yogyakarta regional fitness house in September 2012.

"RAB participated in the implementation of the next program under the control of JP, was also a participant in the second batch of 2013 gym, along with A, M," said Ramadhan.

The next suspect, AJ, is a member of JI who has made muahadah in 2013. AJ participated in the selection of JI members in Kaliurang, Yogyakarta, in November 2012 and became a training participant at the second batch of Sasana Satria Muda Ambarawa in early 2013 along with R, M.

Furthermore, suspect M, who is the development of law enforcement suspect S in August 2021. At that time, the Police Anti-terror Detachment 88 Team obtained evidence in the form of a type M16 firearm, two types of FN and one type of assembled Revolver, as well as more than 100 rounds of ammunition. .

M is a member of JI Qoid Takwiyah under T and BY, who had muahadah or shake hands around 2000. M is also a second batch of Moro Philippines alumnus. "M was a coach at Tadrib Asykari 2011 in North Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, together with S. and had gone to Syria in 2013 to conduct training as the first group from the Toliah Division on the order of B," said Ramadhan.

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