JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPR, Puan Maharani, asked the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) to review the procedures for disbursing Old Age Security (JHT) for the community.

"It should be remembered that JHT is not a fund from the government, but the rights of private workers because it comes from a collection of salary deductions from fellow workers, including workers," said Puan in a written statement quoted by Antara, Monday, February 14.

Puan said it highlighted the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) No. 2 of 2022 concerning the Procedures and Requirements for Payment of Old Age Security Benefits (JHT), which was widely rejected.

There were many rejections because the new Permanaker changed the method of disbursing JHT. Through this regulation, JHT claims can only be made 100 percent when the worker is at retirement age, which is 56 years old, has permanent total disability, and dies (to the heirs).

"The policy is in accordance with the designation of JHT. However, it lacks socialization and is not sensitive to the condition of the community, especially the workers," said Puan

He considered that the Permanaker was burdensome for workers who needed JHT disbursement before the age of 56. Moreover, in this COVID-19 pandemic, not a few workers were then laid off or even forced to leave their places of work.

"Many workers expect these funds as business capital, or perhaps to survive the current tough economic conditions. Once again, JHT is a worker's right," he stressed.

Although workers who are affected by layoffs (terminations) can take advantage of the Job Loss Insurance (JKP) program, this is considered insufficient.

Puan assessed that JKP is not a quick solution for workers who are experiencing economic difficulties.

"The JKP program itself is about to be launched at the end of this month. To be able to take advantage of it, workers who have been laid off must meet certain conditions, which will take a long time," he said.

One of the criteria for JKP beneficiaries is to pay the JKP program contributions for 6 consecutive months for 12 months in 24 months while still working. Not to mention the funds received cannot be directly like JHT.

"Then what about workers who then experience layoffs for the next 24 months and need funds? They cannot immediately receive JKP benefits, but also cannot disburse JHT," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also assessed that subsidies or social assistance from the government could not be the main answer for people affected by layoffs. Apart from the fact that the program has not been able to reach all victims of layoffs, subsidies and social assistance are not a long-term solution.

"In fact, people must continue to live. They must be able to survive by earning a living to support themselves and their families," said the grandson of the Indonesian Proclaimer Bung Karno.

Therefore, said Puan, Permenaker No. 02 of 2022 needs to be reviewed.

Puan also reminded the government to involve all relevant parties in discussing the JHT issue, including representatives of workers/laborers and the DPR.

"In making policies, the government must involve public participation and also need to listen to the considerations of the DPR as the people's representative institution," said Puan.

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