SOLO - The Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) made the City of Solo a model of togetherness in the implementation and actualization of Pancasila values.

"We encourage several urban villages in Surakarta to become pilot projects for this activity, as examples for other villages and sub-districts in Indonesia," said Deputy for Inter-Institutional Relations for Socialization, Communication and Networking at BPIP Prakoso in Solo, Antara, Monday, February 14.

Solo was chosen because the city is a city that is thick with cultural traditions. BPIP hopes that other cities in Indonesia can take an example from what Solo has been protecting so far.

"One of the independent villages is in the field of culture, hopefully this can be an inspiration for other villages in Surakarta. Later, we will also work with local community leaders," he said.

He said several work programs that will be carried out include providing education regarding the procedures for cooperation in urban villages in Solo, re-activating the PKK, competitions, youth organizations, and jogo deso.

"In addition, how to create good urban village governance, mutual cooperation. We want to actualize the values of Pancasila to the lower levels," he said.

For the pilot areas appointed by BPIP, not only the City of Solo but also several other areas, including Brebes, Palu, and North Sumatra.

"We want these areas to be examples for unified villages, cultured, and independent villages. The lower-level government can determine village policies, tolerance, humanity. What are the procedures for determining village priorities, with Pancasila, we can unite and live comfortably in urban villages? ," he said.

On the same occasion, the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, stated his readiness to become a pilot area for various BPIP programs related to the implementation of Pancasila values.

"The Semanggi Urban Village has the most complex problems, poverty, slums, and radicalism. Only one (kelurahan) is focused because the biggest problem is in Semanggi," he said.

Regarding this, he said, the Surakarta City Government has been intense for one year to make improvements to the slum areas in Semanggi. "We are working on the physical, we are working on the non-physical," he said.

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