JAKARTA - The government has allocated a special autonomy fund (Otsus) in the 2021 Draft State Budget (RAPBN) amounting to IDR 19.98 trillion. Meanwhile, the budget posture for transfers to the regions and village funds (TKDD) for the 2021 fiscal year amounts to IDR796.2 trillion.

The special autonomy fund for 2021 will increase by 2.2 percent from this year's allocation stipulated in Presidential Decree Number 72 of 2020 amounting to IDR 19.55 trillion.

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said this special autonomy fund was focused on developing information and communication technology facilities as well as expanding access to improve the effectiveness of education and health services.

"The autonomy fund for Papua and West Papua is Rp. 7.8 trillion. For Aceh, 7.8 and the compliance fund in the framework of special autonomy is Rp. 4.371 trillion," he said, at a meeting of Committee IV and the Budget Team of the Regional Representative Council Committee (DPD), Wednesday, September 9.

As for the details, the special autonomy fund for Papua and West Papua will amount to Rp.7.8 trillion next year, an increase of 3.3 percent from the 2020 State Budget which amounted to Rp.7.5 trillion.

Meanwhile, Aceh Province will receive special autonomy funds with the same value as Papua and West Papua, reaching Rp. 7.8 trillion. Funds for the province also increased by 3.3 percent from 2020.

Meanwhile, additional funds for infrastructure in the context of special autonomy have actually decreased. Next year, the government will allocate IDR 4.371 trillion, down 1.7 percent from the 2020 position of IDR 4.4 trillion.

Apart from the special autonomy budget, said Sri Mulyani, the government also issued a budget for the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). The budget allocated by the government for this provision is IDR 1.32 trillion. The budget is the same as this year.

"Special autonomy funds and the privileges of DIY for the next year are in order to continue to support the post-COVID-19 economic recovery and increase community economic empowerment, especially for traditional markets," he said.

Sri explained that the special autonomy funds were also used to strengthen the role of the government internal supervision apparatus (APIP) in evaluating performance achievements in terms of budget execution and output.

"To support post-COVID-19 recovery, especially in the fields of home industry and tourism," he said.

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