JAKARTA - The government has a strong commitment to immediately complete the discussion of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS). This is evident from the completion of the problem inventory list (DIM) of the TPKS Bill on Saturday, February 12.

"Actually, the government has 2 months from receiving the TPKS Bill and academic text from the DPR on January 26, 2022. However, as of February 12, 2022, the DIM for the TPKS Bill from the government has reportedly been completed," said Deputy V Presidential Chief of Staff Jaleswari Pramodhawardani, quoted by Antara, Sunday. , February 13th.

The initial draft of the TPKS Bill contained 11 chapters consisting of 40 articles. in Chapter I contains General Provisions, and the matter of the Crime of Sexual Violence is regulated in Chapter II.

There are four forms of sexual violence regulated in the latest draft of the TPKS Bill, namely sexual harassment (physical and non-physical), forced contraception, forced sexual intercourse, and sexual exploitation.

According to Jaleswari, the fast process of drafting the DIM TPKS Bill cannot be separated from the collective work and collaboration of so many parties.

The total DIM of the TPKS Bill that has been completed by the government consists of 588 DIM which are summarized in 12 chapters of 81 articles and have been signed by the Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA), the Minister of Social Affairs, the Minister of Law and Human Rights and the Minister of Home Affairs for further submission to DPR.

According to Jaleswari, in the preparation of the DIM of the TPKS Bill, the Task Force for the Acceleration of the Formation of the TPKS Bill, which was formed in April 2021, has recorded at least 6 coordination meetings or consignments with civil society and academia, ministries/agencies, the Supreme Court, the Legislative Body of the DPR and others. , thus helping to accelerate the preparation of the DIM TPKS Bill.

The Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights (Wamenkumham) and Chair of the TPKS Bill Task Force Edward OS Hiariej said that the government was seeking various substances to improve the TPKS Bill that had been drafted by the DPR, starting from breakthroughs related to the regulation of criminal provisions which now cover 7 types of sexual violence to procedural law. which makes it easier in terms of proof, process, and so on.

According to the government, the TPKS Bill will fulfill aspects of victim protection and recovery.

President Joko Widodo's strong commitment has also been shown clearly through his statement last January 4, which pushed for the acceleration of the ratification of the Draft Law on the Crime of Sexual Violence (RUU TPKS) in the Indonesian House of Representatives.

At that time, the President said that he had asked the Task Force for the Acceleration of Formation of the TPKS Bill which was formed by the government to immediately prepare the Problem Inventory List (DIM) for the draft bill that was being prepared by the DPR RI.

The President asked that the joint discussion process be carried out more quickly, go into the main points of substance to provide legal certainty and guarantee protection for victims of sexual violence. The aim is none other than to protect victims of sexual violence to the maximum.

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