JAKARTA - Director of Prevention of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Brigadier General Pol R Ahmad Nurwakhid said religious community organizations (ormas) are at the forefront of preventing the spread of radical terrorism by giving ideological vaccinations to their people. Namely by promoting nationalism with a religious approach and good religious teachings. and right, and uphold tolerance, as well as the ideology of Pancasila. This is because the ideology of terrorism as a political movement often manipulates and distorts religion to replace state ideology with other ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila as the national consensus, he said. His character is intolerant of difference and diversity, and exclusive of change," he said in Serang, Banten, in a written statement, Sunday 13 February. Just Arranging the People to Unite the Nation", in Serang City.

On that occasion, he provided an understanding of the relationship between exclusivity, intolerance, radicalism and acts of terrorism. According to him, an exclusive and intolerant attitude is the basic character of radicalism, which animates all acts of terrorism and all of them are initiated by takfiri. However, it is related to the understanding and way of religion that is wrong and deviates from religious elements, and is usually dominated by the majority of religious people in the region," he said. cyberspace can be seen from the 2019 radicalism potential index data which is at 38 percent. As soon as the COVID-19 pandemic occurred in early 2020, in a survey conducted by BNPT in October-November 2020, the index of potential for radicalism dropped from 38 to 12.2 percent. One of the factors for the decline was due to the massive number of moderate religious and community leaders who had not been active in preaching on social media, becoming active in preaching on various social media platforms," he said. In the Setara Institute survey, Nurwakhid continued, so far religious content is intolerant and radical. on social media or cyberspace is in the range of more than 67 percent, but since last year that number has continued to decline after being balanced by moderate religious content carried out by ulama, kiai, teachers, and young people who have not been active on social media. continued, the importance of the role of religious organizations is also based on the dangers of the radical ideology of terrorism as a political movement, which often manipulates religion to replace state ideology with other ideologies that are contrary to Pancasila as the national consensus. very contrary to religious values and moral values local wisdom of a very multicultural nation. Not to forget, Nurwakhid also reminded the participants to continue to increase their efforts and vigilance. Because even though groups such as Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI), Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) and Jamaah Ansyorut Daulah (JAD) have been disbanded and are showing a downward trend after the enactment of Law No. 5 of 2018, their ideology still remains and stalks anyone who cares. "So it is important in the future, to make a legal umbrella or regulation that prohibits the existence of any ideology that is contrary to Pancasila, even though Pancasila has been tested with 15 failed rebellions such as PKI, DI/TII, PRRI-Permesta, RMS, and others," he said. Nurwakhid invites all stakeholders to be actively involved in breaking the dichotomy gap between state and religion through ideological preparedness instilled by ulama, community leaders, mass organizations, and local governments. Especially to all members of Mathla'ul Anwar as one of the largest mass organizations in Indonesia to together to carry out universal resistance in preventing the spread of radical terrorism and to "Matha'ul Anwar can be actively involved in supporting ideological preparedness, through ideological vaccination by instilling nationalism with a religious approach (which is Kaffah) to the people so that the dichotomy gap between state and religion disappears," said the former Head of the Division. Meanwhile, the First National Working Meeting of the Mathla'ul Anwar Executive Board was initiated by the Speech of the General Chairperson of PB Mathla'ul Anwar KH Embay Mulya Syarief, followed by remarks from the Deputy Governor of Banten H Andika Hazrumy and opened by Members of the Presidential Advisory Council for People's Welfare H Muhammad Mardiono, followed by all PB management. Mathla'ul Anwar, regional administrators and the younger generation of Mathla'ul Anwar offline and online via the zoom application. Then at the panel event started by the Deputy Chair of the MPR RI, H. Arsul Sani regarding the Socialization of the 4 Pillars of Nationality.

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