SEMARANG - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo and the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) have prepared three agendas to resolve problems in Wadas Village, Bener District, Purworejo.

"We will evaluate it as soon as possible, first of course we will evaluate technically. Second is the approach to prevent violence and third is how we prepare the condition of the community so that people can get back together in harmony," said Ganjar after meeting with Komnas HAM member Beka Ulung Hapsara at Puri's official residence. Gedeh, Semarang, Friday, February 11, in a written statement received by the editor.

Ganjar said the technical evaluation carried out included environmental issues, mining issues and involved BBWS and BPN as the working institutions.

"Then also so that there is no second one, the methods that will involve violence are no longer allowed and the regional police have also agreed," said Ganjar.

Third, Ganjar continued, is to improve the psychological condition of the residents in Wadas so that they can get back together in harmony. Because Ganjar received information that there was bullying between the pros and cons.

"Come on, don't. God willing, we will enter, I'm glad there was information that the KPAI wanted to be invited to enter, it's good, we'll also ask the women's empowerment and child protection services to come in, "he explained.

To that end, Ganjar in the near future will also return to visit Wadas Village to establish communication with the residents there. "We will also try to chat with residents so that they are really comfortable communicating," he said.

Ganjar thanked Komnas HAM for continuing to provide input to him. On that occasion also present, NU leader Imam Aziz.

"Of course I'm happy because there is Mas Beka from Komnas who always provides corrective input, and Mas Imam as a community leader is also a good companion in my opinion so that communication can be good," explained Ganjar.

The principle, Ganjar continued, is to prepare the best possible information that will be conveyed easily and clearly for Wadas residents to understand.

“Earlier, the message was that the information should be clear and easily understood by the public so that they do not have multiple interpretations. Then we are preparing, I want to meet the people who are there soon and yes, we can have fun with them again," said Ganjar.

Komnas HAM member Beka Ulung Hapsara appreciated Ganjar's commitment to solving problems in Wadas properly. Komnas HAM, said Beka, continues to monitor and is ready to facilitate dialogue between the Central Java Provincial Government and Wadas residents.

"The governor is committed to carrying out all of this and Komnas HAM will also continue to monitor how the governor's commitments are implemented," said Beka.

In addition, Beka also appreciated the rapid response of the Central Java Police Chief, Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, who was willing to withdraw the troops in Wadas.

"We also said that with the situation or social relations that are strained, extraordinary efforts must be made so that they become glued again, brotherhood and humanity continue to be built," said Beka.

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