JAKARTA - Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Malang, East Java, has again implemented 100 percent online lectures after having implemented hybrid lectures (online and offline).

Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Prof. Dr. Aulanni'am in Malang, Saturday, said that the return of lectures to the online system is due to the increasing positive cases of COVID-19 in Malang City, so that UB with the Rector's order requires lectures to return online.

The determination of the application of 100 percent online lectures is stated in the Chancellor's Order Number 2196/UN10/TU/2022 dated 11 February 2022.

"This online lecture policy is carried out while waiting for the development of the COVID-19 case, until there is input from the UB COVID-19 Task Force that it is permissible to return to the hybrid lecture system," said Prof. Aulanni'am.

To suppress the increasing number of COVID-19 spreads in the campus environment, UB's COVID-19 Task Force actively monitors, tracks, and reports cases of COVID-19 at universities.

Likewise, the Campus Security Unit is required to regularly control activities that violate health protocols in public facilities on campus.

Meanwhile, the Head of UB's COVID-19 Task Force, Prof. Dr. Sri Andarini, said that the Task Force provided a special hotline to serve students, lecturers, and education staff who were exposed to COVID-19.

Civitas will be directed by the Task Force according to indications, whether to self-isolate at home, in centralized isolation (isoter) or further treatment.

"The task force will evaluate every week, if indeed the COVID-19 case has slowed, it will be considered again for hybrid lectures," Andarini said as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, February 12.

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