BANTEN - Irwasda Polda Banten Kombes Eko Kristianto accompanied the Head of the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) Hasto Atmojo Suroyo to hand over compensation for 9 victims of past terrorism (KTML) in the Banten Province.

The handover took place at the Banten Police Headquarters Multipurpose Hall in Serang on Friday, February 11.

Also present at the handover were Deputy Chairperson of the LPSK Brigadier General Achmadi, Karoops Banten Police Kombes Amiludin Roemtaat, Dirintelkam Banten Police Kombes Suhanda Cakrawijaya, Head of the Banten High Court H. Charis Mardiyanto, Deputy Head of the Banten High Prosecutor's Office and the families of the compensation recipients.

The head of the LPSK, Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, said the amount of compensation submitted was Rp. 1.495 billion. "There are 9 KTML victims who are domiciled in Banten, identified by LPSK and BNPT and meet the requirements for compensation," said Hasto.

Hasto explained that in general there were 357 victims from 57 past terrorism incidents spread across 19 provinces throughout Indonesia. "Especially for the 9 victims whose compensation was handed over this time, they were direct victims or heirs of the victims who died in the Bali Bombing II, the Australian Embassy bombing, shootings at the Pondok Aren and Ciputat police stations and the bomb explosion at the Terminal Kp Melayu," said Hasto Atmojo.

Hasto said the amount of compensation received by the victims was determined by a medical assessment in collaboration with PDFI (Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association),

"The degree of injury in question is the degree of minor injury with a compensation value of Rp. 75,000,000, moderate degree of injury of Rp. 115,000,000, the degree of serious injury of Rp. 210,000,000, and for the heirs of the deceased victim of Rp. 250,000,000 the value is in accordance with the principle permit that has been issued. Ministry of Finance for the victims of past terrorism," he said.

According to Hasto, the submission of compensation is an implementation of Law Number 5 of 2018 and Government Regulation Number 35 of 2020. Since the law was born, all victims of terrorism are the responsibility of the state.

"We should be grateful, after a long wait this compensation was finally received. We hope this compensation can be used wisely and not consumptively," he said.

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