PADANG - Cases of overpayment do not only occur in the city led by Anies Baswedan, DKI Jakarta. Although the designation is different, including the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD), a similar case also occurred in West Sumatra (Sumbar).

In the Compliance Audit Result Report (LHP) for the 2021 West Sumatra Provincial Government regional expenditures issued by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK), there is a budget of around Rp. 12.5 billion.

Following up on this finding, the West Sumatra DPRD immediately formed a special committee (pansus). West Sumatra DPRD chairman Supardi said the special committee consisted of 14 DPRD members from all factions.

"After the 14 members were determined, then they discussed to determine the chairman, deputy chairman and secretary. After that, a decree was issued," he said in Padang as reported by Antara, Friday, February 11.

A member of the Special Committee, Nofrizon, revealed details of the findings of the LHP issued on January 27, 2022. There were findings of more than Rp. 12.5 billion in a number of OPDs.

In the form of, the realization of assistance for livestock seeds/seeds, agricultural tools and machinery and plantation seeds/seeds in two OPDs amounting to more than Rp2 billion which was not on target.

Then the overpayment of official travel expenses at the two OPDs amounted to more than Rp. 423 million. After that, the overpayment of 12 building and building work packages for the three OPDs amounted to more than Rp. 838 million.

Furthermore, the implementation of three building and building work packages for the three OPDs terminated their contracts. Refunds of advances and performance guarantees that have not been disbursed amounted to more than Rp.7.9 billion. Furthermore, the overpayment of 17 road and irrigation works packages to two OPDs amounted to more than IDR 735 million.

After that, there was the provision of assistance for natural disasters such as flash floods and landslides in East Nusa Tenggara, which was sourced from Unexpected Expenditures of Rp. 750 million, which was not in accordance with the provisions. His party will work optimally to follow up on the LHP after the Special Committee is formed.

"We will continue and review these findings to be followed up together so that these findings can be returned and become future evaluations," he said.

The overpayment in DKI Jakarta occurred in the procurement of COVID-19 rapid test kits in 2020 with a value of Rp. 1.1 billion, payment of salaries for employees who had died and retired of Rp. 862 million, overpayment of Rp. 6.5 billion for 4 packages of fire extinguishers.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has on several occasions answered the results of the BPK audit of the overpayment case. Anies clarified several things related to BPK's findings during the August 2 plenary session.

Regarding waste on the procurement of masks and COVID-19 rapid test kits, for example, according to Anies, this has been followed up in accordance with BPK's recommendations. "It has been followed up in accordance with BPK's recommendations," said Anies.

In addition, regarding the overpayment of the purchase of a fire engine procurement package, Anies also said that the findings had been followed up. "And returned to the Regional Treasury."

Meanwhile, the Head of the DKI Health Office, Widyastuti, said that the problem of procuring masks and rapid tests was actually an activity in 2020 and had been examined by the BPK. "This is an activity in 2020 and an inspection has been carried out by the BPK and no state losses have been found," he told reporters on August 6.

According to Widyastuti, the problem of overpaying masks and COVID-19 test kits is only an administrative matter. "There is no state loss, it's just an administrative matter."

Widyastuti also explained the reason for the difference in the price for the procurement of masks. "That was the beginning, the masks were difficult, so there were lots of types. So of course we match the specifications requested with input from the user," he said.

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