MEDAN - The Medan City Government, North Sumatra, is trying to take various steps to control the spike in new cases in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"It was sloping, even zero cases. Now COVID-19 in Medan City is showing an increase," said Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution, quoted by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

Bobby Nasution admitted that he immediately moved quickly to reduce the number of spreads by strengthening the progressiveness of vaccinations, including boosters (boosting doses).

Based on data from the Medan City Health Service as of Sunday, February 6, the coverage of the first dose of vaccination was 93.51 percent and 76.64 percent for the second dose of vaccination.

Meanwhile, the booster vaccination that has been implemented since Wednesday, January 12, 2022 by the central government for the city of Medan has only reached 4.90 percent.

"The Medan City Government continues to accelerate vaccination, including boosters, not only for the elderly (elderly) and vulnerable groups, but also workers," said Bobby Nasution.

According to him, the City Government will continue to enforce health protocols (prokes) in accordance with the implementation of level 1 community activity restrictions (PPKM) in Medan City.

The mayor has also instructed all levels up to the environmental level to reactivate the handling of COVID-19, including implementing micro PPKM.

Bobby Nasution said that residents who were exposed to more than five people in one environment had to be treated in a centralized isolation location (isoter) to prevent local transmission.

"Prevention efforts continue to be carried out until now. We also invite people who experience mild and moderate symptoms to isolate in isoters provided by the Medan City Government," he said.

"Until now, the bed occupancy rate in Medan City is still below two percent and there are no deaths," said Bobby.

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