JAKARTA - The management of Lion Air Group stated that the President Director of PT Lion Mentari Airlines (Lion) Air with the initials ES had been canceled by investigators from the Attorney General's Office (AGO) as a witness in the alleged corruption case of aircraft leasing at PT Garuda Indonesia.

"The President Director has not been questioned or asked for information regarding this case," said Lion Air Group Corporate Communications Strategic Danang Mandala Prihantoro, in a written statement received in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, February 10.

Danang explained that Lion Air Group, through the President Director, had received a summons from the AGO asking for his presence. The call has been fulfilled and attended on Wednesday, February 9th.

During the meeting, he continued, the AGO stated that ES, as the President Director of Lion Air Group and personally, had no connection or involvement with the alleged corruption case at Garuda Indonesia.

"Regarding the case in question, the Director is not in the capacity to provide information in any form," he said.

This was also confirmed by the Director of Investigations of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the Attorney General's Office, Supardi when confirmed from Jakarta, Thursday. Supardi stated that ES was not investigated because it was not related to the Garuda Indonesia case.

"It was not investigated because the information has nothing to do with Garuda," said Supardi. Previously, the Head of the Indonesian Attorney General's Legal Information Center, Leonard Eben Ezer Simanjuntak, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, February 9 evening, said that investigators from the Jampidsus AGO summoned the Lion Director. Air with the initials ES, Wednesday, as a witness in the investigation into the alleged corruption case of PT Garuda Indonesia's aircraft charter.

"Witness ES was examined regarding the mechanism for the procurement and payment of aircraft at PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk," Leonard said.

In addition to ES, investigators also examined the VP of Internal Audit of PT Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk in 2018 with the initials EK.

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