JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Task Force, Wiku Adisasmito, said that the rate of transmission of COVID-19 in Central Jakarta is currently the highest in Jabodetabek.

The rate of transmission, in this case, the cumulative incidence, is the proportion of new cases per 10,000 healthy population within one week.

The transmission rate in Central Jakarta is 90 cases per 10,000 population. The next highest transmission rate was in South Jakarta with 84 cases per 10,000 population, East Jakarta 68 cases, Depok 64 cases, and West Jakarta 60 cases.

"As of February 6, Central Jakarta became the area with the highest transmission rate, followed by South Jakarta, East Jakarta, Depok City, and West Jakarta", Wiku said in a virtual press conference, Thursday, February 10.

Furthermore, the transmission rate in North Jakarta was 60 cases per 10,000 population, Bekasi City 45 cases, Bogor City 39 cases, South Tangerang City 34 cases, Tangerang City 24 cases, Bekasi Regency 21 cases, Tangerang Regency 12 cases, and Bogor Regency 11 cases per 10,000 population.

Wiku emphasized that the high rate of transmission in areas in this agglomeration area needs to be a concern so that transmission in these areas can be suppressed, especially those contributed by office clusters, both government and private offices.

"If in the next week there is still a contributor to cases in the agglomeration area, then the office leadership has failed in its contribution to reducing and preventing cases in the region", said Wiku.

Wiku also asked people who regularly travel, including because of work demands and being infected, to be careful because they can potentially infect people in their homes and have the potential to create family clusters.

"For that, let's jointly control cases starting from the smallest units such as offices and families", he added.

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