JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) is investigating the role of suspect Apif Firmansyah as a close person to former Jambi Governor Zumi Zola. This was done by examining the Regent of Tanjung Jabung Timur Romi Haryanto on Wednesday, February 9 yesterday.

He was presented as a witness in connection with the alleged bribery of ratifying the Jambi Provincial RAPBD which had ensnared Zumi Zola and a number of DPRD members.

"The investigative team has examined the witnesses for the suspect AF, namely Romi Haryanto, the East Tanjung Jabung Regent," said Acting KPK Spokesperson for Enforcement, Ali Fikri, to reporters, Thursday, February 10.

During the examination, continued Ali, Romi was investigated for several things. Including, about Apif, who is a trusted confidant of Zumi Zola and was a member of the former Jambi Governor's success team.

"It was confirmed, among other things, regarding the participation of Tsk AF as one of the successful teams and a confidant of Zumi Zola during his tenure as Regent to serving as Governor of Jambi," he said.

In addition, the KPK also examined a private employee named Hanna Francisca and a housewife, Dana Indriyana Heumasse. Of the two, the KPK investigated the alleged flow of money managed by Afit.

"Both of them were present and confirmed, among other things, related to the alleged flow of a sum of money managed by suspect AF," said Ali. As previously reported, the KPK named 18 suspects in the case, which is known for the hammer-knock bribery. They include the 2016-2021 Jambi Governor Zumi Zola, the Acting Regional Secretary of Jambi Province Erwan Malik, the Acting Head of the Jambi Province PUPR Service Arfan, and Jambi Province Assistant 3rd Saifudin.

Furthermore, the KPK again named four suspects from elements of the Jambi DPRD members. They are Fahrurrozi (FR), Arrakhmat Eka Putra (AEP), Wiwid Iswhara (WI), and Zainul Arfan (ZA).

Not only that, the anti-corruption commission has also named a private businessman named Paut Syakarin as a suspect. He is suspected of being one of the private parties who played a role as a supporter of funds and providing additional knock-on money for commission III members of the Jambi DPRD with an amount of Rp. 150 million each related to the 2017 Jambi Provincial RAPBD.

Most recently, Zumi Zola's confidant, Apif Firmansyah, was also detained by the KPK. Apif often takes care of Zumi Zola's needs, including managing operational funding needs and asking for a number of project fees from contractors working on projects in Jambi.

The amount of money that Apif collected reached Rp46 billion of which part of the money was given to members of the Jambi Provincial DPRD as money for the 2017 Fiscal Year RAPBD hammer. This gift was a direct order from Zumi Zola.

Once collected, the money is used for personal needs and also given to Zumi Zola and his family.

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