BATAM - Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Batam City, Riau Islands, continue to increase and spread throughout the main island to the buffer zone, causing six sub-districts to be red zones for COVID-19.

The COVID-19 Task Force report submitted by Spokesman Azril Apriansyah said the six red zone sub-districts were Batam City, Sagulung, Batuaji, Sekupang, Lubuk Baja and Bengkong with 83, 29, 25, 25, 26 and 33 active cases respectively. . The six sub-districts are located on the main island.

While the three other sub-districts on the main island, the orange zone, namely Sei Beduk, Batuampar and Nongsa, respectively, with 13, 15 and 19 people still positively active for COVID-19.

In the buffer, one sub-district is already in the yellow zone, namely Bulang with one active case of COVID-19. Meanwhile, two sub-districts on the other buffer islands are still in the green zone, namely Behindpadang and Galang.

On Wednesday, February 9, as reported by Antara, there were an additional 72 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, the highest in the last four months. The task force also recorded eight people completing isolation.

With this, there are a total of 26,188 confirmed positive cases of COVID-19, 25,077 of whom have completed isolation, 842 have died and 269 are still active with COVID-19.

"The cure rate is 95,758 percent, the death rate is 3,215 percent, and active cases are 1,027 percent," the Task Force report said.

Of the 269 active cases of COVID-19, 197 of them are being treated at the Galang Island Hospital, 10 are still undergoing self-isolation, and others are being treated in 10 hospitals.

Meanwhile, the results of the Batam COVID-19 situation assessment as of 7 February 2022 were level 1.

It is stated that the level 1 community transmission assessment with confirmed cases is 17.11 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, hospitalization in hospitals is 2.99 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week, and death is 0.00 per 100 thousand inhabitants per week.

Then for testing it was considered adequate, with a positivity rate of 1.14 percent per week, tracking was also considered adequate with a close contact ratio examined of 19.29 per confirmed case per week, and adequate treatment with 5.67 percent BOR per week.

Likewise, vaccination was considered adequate, which reached 114.15 percent of the target population getting the first dose of vaccine.

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