SOLO - The pair Gibran Rakabuming Raka-Teguh Prakosa and Bagyo Wahyono-FX Suparjo (Bajo) underwent a medical test for the prospective mayor-vice mayor of Solo. The health test will last two days.

"Health tests are held today and tomorrow. Followed by two prospective pairs of candidates, "said the head of KPU Surakarta Nurul Sutarti confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, September 8.

The health test that Gibran-Teguh and Bajo followed was held at the Dr Moewardi Hospital Solo. The health test is the second stage that the future head of Solo will undergo after registering his candidacy at the KPU last weekend.

Gibran-Teguh which was carried by the big coalition namely PDI-P, Golkar, Gerindra, the National Mandate Party (PAN), and the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI). Two non-seat political parties, PKB and PPP, also provided support to Gibran.

"Sir and I are firmly committed to complying with the processes and stages according to the KPU regulations," Gibran said after registering at the KPU Solo, Friday, September 4.

As well as committing himself to following the stages and process of the local elections, he promised to create a peaceful Solo during the implementation of the political contestation stages.

"We also promised to create a peaceful Solo while complying with health protocols during the Pilkada," said Gibran.

Meanwhile, Bagyo Wahyono, who progressed individually or independently, stated his readiness to face Gibran Rakabuming Raka in the Solo Pilkada. But Bagyo advised Gibran and his political parties to compete politically with sportsmanship.

"So I hope we compete elegantly, play sportsmanship. Don't let any intimidation or black campaign occur, we are little people, just play sportsmanship, ”said Bagyo, Saturday, August 22.

According to him, the Solo Pilkada competition must be escorted by the community. It is hoped that Bagyo residents can participate actively in the Pilkada, including guarding the process so that fraud does not occur.

The KPU will determine the 2020 Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Surakarta Pilkada on 23 September. On September 24, the serial number of the candidate pairs was drawn. On September 26, the campaign began using all methods, both direct and indirect.

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