JAKARTA - The woman who died in a fatal accident with AKP Novandi Arya Kharisma was named Fatimah. The identity of the victim was revealed based on medical record and property data.

"There are two things that confirm it, namely the property and the results of the medical record," said the Head of the Health Department of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Didiet Setioboedi when contacted, Wednesday, January 9.

For medical records, said Didiet, surgical scars were found on the bodies of victims of deadly accidents. So, it is matched with family statements which confirm that there are indeed scars.

"The medical record is so there are scars from the surgery that we can identify," said Didiet.

As for property, said Didiet, a ring was found on the victim's body. So, matched back to the family.

"We matched the existing data, it turned out that we found that there was property data attached to his body, for example a ring," said Didiet. The woman's name is Fatimah who is a cadre of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI).

"Yes (identity of PSI cadre Fatimah, ed) said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan

The police have also identified the identity of the man who was the victim of a fatal accident on Jalan Raya Pasar Senen, Senen District, Central Jakarta. The victim is a member of the National Police AKP Novandi Arya Kharisma.

AKP Novandi Arya Kharisma served as Head of Polairud Polres Berau Polda East Kalimantan. In addition, he is the son of the Governor of North Kalimantan, Zainal Paliwang

Meanwhile, the Toyota Camry car had a single accident on Jalan Raya Pasar Senen, Central Jakarta. The accident, which is thought to have been caused by out of control, resulted in the death of the driver and passengers in the car on the spot.

Because, after the car hit the road divider, sparks appeared. Until finally, the fire grew and burned the car.

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