JAKARTA - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution supports the proposal for Sabam Sirait to get the title of National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia. For President Jokowi's son-in-law, Sabam has made many contributions so that the democratic system in Indonesia has changed.

This support was conveyed by Bobby Nasution when he was present via zoom at the National Seminar in the Context of Proposing Sabam Sirait to Become a National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia in 2022 at Nomensen University Medan, Jalan Sutomo, Tuesday, February 8, quoted from the Pemko website.

In his political career, Sabam is considered to be very committed to idealism. Thus, in his duties, the father of politician Maruarar Sirait also always lived it with full sincerity and sacrificed himself to fight for the aspirations of the people.

"Although he grew up in a strong Christian family, he understands very well in living the life of the nation and state so that he does not only defend one group. He is also known to support the Palestinian struggle," Bobby said while conveying that the Medan City Government would continue to support Sabam Sirait as a National Hero.

Meanwhile, Batara Sirait, representing the family of Sabam Sirait, thanked the committee and all figures in North Sumatra who encouraged his father's appointment as a National Hero. Batara hopes that what the committee is trying to do is also hope for the good of the nation and state.

"We would like to thank the committee, national figures and the whole community for submitting our father to become a National Hero. We never felt that our papa deserved to be made a National Hero. But if the community and all figures in North Sumatra encourage our papa to become a National Hero a National Hero, we thank you," said Batara.

Previously, the General Chair of the Proposal for Sabam Sirait to become a National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. RE Nainggolan MM, said that the committee had held a National Seminar on Proposing Sabam Sirait to become a National Hero of the Republic of Indonesia four times. He said the first seminar was held in Pematang Siantar City, which is where Sabam Sirait grew up.

Next is the second place, explained RE Nainggolan, Tanjung Balai City which is the hometown of Sabam Sirait. While the third place, he added, was held at the University of Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Medan. Then as a highlight, the last seminar was held at Nomensen University which was attended by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, historians from Jakarta and figures in North Sumatra.

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