JAKARTA - Deputy Mayor of Bogor Dedie A. Rachim witnessed the demolition of 22 buildings of street vendors (PKL) on land belonging to the Ministry of PUPR at Simpang Ciawi who did not heed the warning letter for the third time. After reviewing the demolition carried out, Dedie said the building located in two kelurahan areas, namely in Sindangsari Village, East Bogor District and Harjasari Village in South Bogor District will be functioned by Jasa Marga. "Our control plan this time is to change land into green land, parks, and other facilities. Jasa Marga's activities in the Bogor City area," Dedie said Tuesday, February 8, quoted from Antara. Dedie said that of the 22 stalls that were demolished, eight of them were residents who lived in Bogor City. All of them, he said, had been sent three warning letters before the arrangement was finally carried out. The demolition and arrangement of the area was carried out by the Satpol PP, the Bogor City Housing and Settlement Service, the PUPR Service and also accompanied by personnel from the TNI/Polri as well as the East Bogor and Bogor sub-districts. South. The demolition was also witnessed directly by Jasa Marga. "The eight residents of Bogor City, of course, we are trying to find a solution. Therefore, the land does not belong to us (Bogor City Government), but belongs to the state. It must be brought under control because there are other interests. And there is access to the Law - Law on toll roads that we must secure," he said. Meanwhile, Jasa Marga's Division Head for Regional Toll Roads, Raddy Riadi Lukman, explained that the ministry was asked by the ministry to restore the function of the parks there. "This is our responsibility regarding the smooth mobility of toll roads. Because with the existence of these stalls mobility is hampered. And this is also a crowd credit area, especially when it's still in a COVID-19 pandemic condition," he said. previously occupied by the street vendors will be fenced off. The goal is to prevent the green land from being polluted by these stalls.

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