JAKARTA - The Madiun City Education Office, East Java, recorded five schools where a number of students, teachers, and other employees were exposed to COVID-19 during limited face-to-face learning (PTM).

"All residents of the school environment we ask to be more careful and remain disciplined in implementing health protocols," said Head of the Madiun City Education Office Lismawati in Madiun, Tuesday, February 8, quoted from Antara.

According to the data, a number of school units that were exposed were SMA Negeri 1 Madiun City, SD Muhammadiyah Madiun, SMP Negeri 2 Madiun City, SMP Negeri 12 Madiun City and SMPK Santo Bernardus Madiun City.

According to him, for these schools, a temporary suspension of limited PTM has been carried out and replaced with distance or online learning for two weeks since the confirmation cases in each school were found.

As for the latest, the findings of the school cluster occurred at SMPK Santo Bernardus, Madiun City. Starting with two local students who were confirmed to have COVID-19 on Friday (4/2).

The two are brothers in grades IX and VII. They are suspected to have contracted it from their parents who were first exposed to the corona virus and were undergoing treatment at the Santa Clara Hospital in Madiun.

"We and the Health Office then conducted "tracing" and "testing" close contacts," said Lismawati.

The results of tracking, of 61 people who have a history of close contact, found 10 of them positive based on the antigen rapid test. The positive ones are teachers, caregivers and nurses. They were then carried out a swab test.

The Head of the East Java Province Education Office (Cabdindik) for the Madiun Region, Supardi, expressed his concern with the findings of the school cluster. Not only in Madiun City, but also in other areas, such as Madiun and Ngawi Regencies.

"This condition should be a concern. We will deploy a team of school supervisors to monitor the implementation of health care programs. We ask that we must always be disciplined about health procedures," he said.

It will also evaluate the implementation of the limited PTM which is currently running. The school supervisory team's report will later become a reference for consideration in making policies. His party will also coordinate with the East Java Provincial Government for further decisions.

According to data, in Madiun City, the number of COVID-19 cases has reached 7,422 people as of Tuesday. Of that number, 6,803 people have recovered, 35 people are being treated, 72 people are undergoing integrated isolation, and 512 people have died.

Meanwhile, the number of new confirmations on Tuesday was 45 people, recovered to nil and 92 people are being tracked.

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