JAKARTA - A fire broke out in the healthy house of the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in Tebat, South Jakarta. The fire is thought to have been caused by an electric short circuit.

Head of the South Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Fire and Rescue Section Head, Sugeng, confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Monday, February 7, at 11.45 WIB. A total of 16 units were deployed to extinguish the fire.

He explained that the incident began when Baznas security officers checked every floor. However, he smelled fire on the 4th Floor of the building.

"According to security, he controlled the 11:45 chronology, smelled the burning wires. On the 4th floor, knowing that the fire was getting big, asked the residents to come out. Finally reported the fire department," said Sugeng when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, February 8.

After receiving the report, his party immediately went to the crime scene (TKP) to extinguish the fire. As a result, the fire was extinguished around 00.30 WIB.

"The incident was received at 23:47, 23:53 already at the scene, the operation was immediately carried out. At 00.30 WIB, it can be controlled, cooling is carried out for fear of turning it back on," he said.

Sugeng ensured that there were no casualties in the incident. But for the loss, he did not know.

"Alhamdulillah, there are no (casualties). Losses are not yet known, he said.

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