JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan said thousands of Jakarta residents had to flee due to floods that inundated a number of areas in the capital. It was recorded that around 19,079 Jakarta residents had to flee their homes because of the flood.

This was said by Anies, after monitoring the floods in the Jakarta area with PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono using a helicopter. The points of evacuation locations are scattered in East, South and Central Jakarta which were affected by the flood.

"So our first concentration in Jakarta is to save all residents whose homes are flooded," Anies said at the Monas area in Jakarta, Wednesday, January 1.

The refugees have been managed in several places in Jakarta. Most of the evacuation points are in East Jakarta.

The total is with details, the number of refugees in East Jakarta is 9248. In South Jakarta 5080. Then, West Jakarta numbered 3553, in North Jakarta 888 and Central Jakarta, there were 310.

"So, thank God, temporary living quarters, shelters, medical facilities, medicines, food and beverage medical personnel, all thank God, have been prepared. Then people who have problems can contact us since the morning who are in the field," he said.

According to Anies, his party has also deployed more than 120 thousand officers to help the victims affected by the floods. He also revealed that the officer had been on standby since last night.

Logistic Assistance

The government, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, began sending basic necessities for refugees and residents affected by the floods. The aid was distributed to a number of areas in DKI Jakarta, West Bandung Regency and a number of points that could potentially flood in Banten Province.

"Public kitchens for DKI Jakarta have been established under the coordination of the DKI Jakarta Social Service. Likewise, public kitchens for flood-affected residents in West Bandung and Bekasi districts have been running starting this morning with the support of Tagana and the local Dinsos," said Social Minister Juliari P. Coal in the description.

The total assistance amounting to IDR 750 million consists of 2,000 packages of ready-to-eat food assistance, 1,800 packages of children's food assistance, 30 thousand packs of noodles, 500 rolled tents, 8,000 packages of family equipment, 200 sheets of blankets and 100 packages of clothing. The basic assistance has been distributed by the Ministry of Social Affairs to a number of Social Services for DKI Jakarta Province which were affected by the flood.

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