JAKARTA - The Head of the BPSDM Ministry of Home Affairs, Teguh Setyabudi, stated that the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to strive to improve village financial management to be better.

The Head of BPSDM at the Ministry of Home Affairs said that previously the Ministry of Home Affairs together with BPKP had developed an application for the village financial supervision system (Siswaskeudes).

Teguh Setyabudi in his statement in Jakarta Monday, February 7, said the development of the application was an effort to encourage village heads and village officials to improve their ability to manage village finances and assets properly. computer (TABK)," he said.

The development itself is carried out referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs (Permendagri) Number 73 of 2020 concerning supervision of village financial management.

In addition, the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of the Ministry of Home Affairs is also holding education and training on the electronic-based 2022 village financial management supervision system. Education and training for the trainers will be held from Monday to Friday, 7-11 February 2022.

"The event was initiated to form trainers who have an understanding of the strategy for preparing and developing human resources (HR) within the Ministry of Home Affairs and local governments (Pemda)," he said.

The series of training, he said, was expected to contribute to improving the quality of human resources for the apparatus, especially for the village apparatus builder.

Not only that, this effort is also expected to be able to encourage increased supervision of village financial management and village assets for inspectors from the regional government internal control apparatus (APIP), both in districts and sub-districts within the district government (pemkab).

Teguh said that the training was not separated from the government's efforts to develop the quality of human resources. As is known, the government of President Joko Widodo has prioritized the development of human resources as an effort to advance a nation that is more prosperous, advanced, sovereign, just and prosperous, and has more achievements.

For this reason, continued Teguh, steps in improving the development of human resources for the apparatus are considered important, because they will encourage the progress of the apparatus in the village.

More specifically, according to him, this will improve the ability of village heads and village officials in managing village finances and assets properly.

The training was attended by a number of resource persons from the Inspectorate General (Itjen) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Village Administration (Pemdes) of the Ministry of Home Affairs, BPSDM of the Ministry of Home Affairs, and the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP).

Not only that, the training will also be attended by participants from the Ministry of Home Affairs BPSDM Widyaiswara, the Ministry of Home Affairs' Directorate General of Village Government Development, and the Inspector General of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

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