JAKARTA - The West Java Provincial Government (Pemprov) has ensured that the oxygen stock at the West Java Provincial Oxygen Post and the district/city level is still safe despite a spike in COVID-19 cases in the past week.

"We ensure that the stock availability at the West Java Oxygen Post is currently in surplus. The Buffer Stock of the Command Post in 2022 consists of 3,769 oxygen cylinders, 293 oxygen concentrators, and 9,643 regulators that are ready to be distributed if there is an increase in demand in hospitals or for self-isolation," said the Assistant for Economics. and Development of the West Java Regional Secretariat, Taufiq BS in Bandung, Monday, February 7, quoted from Antara.

There are currently 4,696 cylinders in stock that have been distributed since 2021 in regencies/cities. And until now there has been no spike in oxygen demand.

"We also continue to coordinate with related regencies/cities. If it is deemed 'urgent' (important) we are ready to send cylinders filled with oxygen. We make sure the stock is safe," he said.

In addition, from oxygen producers, West Java gets a supply of 376 tons/day, where with this amount of support it is safe for oxygen availability.

The availability of oxygen is getting stronger considering that in 2021, the West Java Provincial Government has added five oxygen generators that are deposited at the Provincial General Hospital (RSUD) and two oxygen generators that are prepared at the UPTD owned by the Industry and Trade Office in Bandung and Bogor.

"The oxygen generators in hospitals and managed by the West Java Health Service have a capacity of 5,000 PPM (parts per million) each, for those in the Industry and Trade, the capacity is 500 PPM each," he said.

Apart from prioritized oxygen to meet hospital needs, his party also ensures that people who are undergoing self-isolation and need oxygen cylinder assistance can still access Omat services from the Pikobar application.

Omat or Oxygen for the Community is a feature in Pikobar in meeting the oxygen needs of the community online.

Through Omat, people can easily and quickly get oxygen when they need it, lend or donate to help others in need. Free shuttle affairs are borne by the provincial government.

“This service can still be accessed by residents via Pikobar. Because we are still preparing the stock, so for the time being for the supply of oxygen and oxygen cylinders, we make sure they are safe,” he said.

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