BENGKULU - Active cases of COVID-19 in Bengkulu Province continue to increase and today there are 21 new cases and one patient, namely a man (76) from Kaur died.

Head of the Provincial Health Office, Herwan Antoni, said the 21 patients were known to be infected with COVID-19 from the results of swab and antigen tests.

"From the results of the examination of samples examined, as many as 434, 21 of them were positive for COVID-19," said Herwan as quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 5.

Today, the highest number of cases is in Rejang Lebong Regency as many as 9 cases, namely women (37), men (28), women (47), men (23), men (26), men ( 35), male (50), female (27) and female (36).

Then South Bengkulu Regency one case, namely male (23) and Mukomuko Regency one case, male (67).

Furthermore, from Bengkulu City as many as 8 cases, namely female (42), female (26), male (56), female (48), male (45), female (35), female (18) and male. (22), and North Bengkulu Regency two cases, namely women (34) and men (21).

Of the 21 active cases of COVID-19, one of them is a woman (36) from Rejang Lebong Regency who is being treated at the hospital, while the other 20 are self-isolating in their respective homes.

"There is one case from Rejang Lebong Regency which was declared cured today," he said.

It is known, patients who tested positive for COVID-19 were perpetrators who had just completed a trip from outside the Bengkulu Province and from abroad or who were about to travel outside the Bengkulu region.

Most of these additional cases were discovered through patients who underwent examinations as a requirement for travel outside the Bengkulu region.

"Then the positive cases from the results of the examination of the family who were positive for COVID-19 earlier," he said.

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