JAKARTA - The acceleration of digital transformation can be driven through four main sectors, namely digital infrastructure, digital government, digital economy, and digital society.

Head of the Research and Development Agency for Human Resources at the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (Litbang SDM Kominfo) Hary Budiarto said the four sectors are able to support Indonesia which has the potential to have the largest and fastest internet economic development in Southeast Asia, based on data from Google, Temasek, and Bain & Company in 2020.

"Seeing the digital potential, the Minister of Communications and Informatics made the Indonesia Digital Roadmap 2021-2024 to carry out the acceleration of digital transformation according to the government's direction. We are responsible for four sectors, namely digital infrastructure, digital government, digital economy, and digital society," said Hary, quoted from Between, Saturday, February 5th.

Furthermore, Hary believes that the community will not be able to develop if access is closed. "We are trying to make digital talent in various regions take advantage of opportunities. Every region must have an increase in digital talent. So, Kominfo develops backbone, middle mile and last mile networks," he said.

In the backbone network, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics has built the 12,229 kilometer Palapa Ring and connects 57 districts in Indonesia.

Middle mile, will launch the Indonesia Raya Satellite or SATRIA 1 (150 Gbps), SATRIA 2 (300 Gbps), and SATRIA 3 (500 Gbps) in 2023, specifically to access fast internet (WiFi) on public services.

Last mile, through BAKTI will install 7,904 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) in rural areas in 3T areas and in urban areas.

"In the digital government sector, we encourage e-government with the Movement Towards 100 Smart Cities with six development pillars as the basis for implementing development programs, namely smart governance, smart infrastructure, smart economy, smart living, smart people, and smart environment. We will prioritize 50 cities/districts, 10 tourism areas, and one new State Capital (IKN) area," said Hary.

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