JAKARTA - The Democrat Party responded to the insinuation of the PDI-P Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, who said that the West Sumatra cagub Mulyadi isn't a strong leader. For Democrats, Mulyadi's response returned PDIP support because Puan Maharani's statement was correct.

"The new support for the PDIP's statement, there has been no handover of B1 KWK to Mr. Mulyadi.  Reportedly, there is a liaison or distribution from the PDIP but it has not yet reached the B1 KWK to Mr. Mulyadi," said Secretary of the Democratic DPP Election Winning Body (Bappilu), Kamhar Lakumani, Sunday, September 6 evening.

Regarding the PDIP Secretary General's view that Mulyadi is not strong in leadership, Kamhar has an explanation. The reaction of the West Sumatra people to Puan Maharani's statement, who spoke "hopefully, West Sumatra will support Pancasila", must be considered by Mulyadi and his pair, Ali Mukhni.

“Not solid, not solid, no…. It is a response to the dynamics to minimize the damaging effect. The dynamics that occur in response to Puan Maharani's statement must be scrutinized and addressed carefully. They can have an electoral impact on Mr. Mulyadi. So, we need an evaluation to minimize the damaging effect," said Kamhar.

According to Kamhar, Puan Maharani's statement made the West Sumatra public offended because they aren't considered as a 'Pancasilaist'. 

"But the one who can explain the statement is Mrs. Puan. People in West Sumatra are offended," continued Kamhar.

Mulyadi-Ali Mukhni registered their candidacy for governor-deputy governor of West Sumatra on Sunday, September 6. Kamhar emphasized that the Mulyadi-Ali Mukhni duet is a perfect combination with experience in the executive and legislative branches.

"Mr.Mulyadi is not a new person. He has been in the DPR for 3 terms. Most votes came from the West Sumatra electoral district are capital and are well known. Alhamdulillah, among the candidate pairs from the survey institute, Mr. Mulyadi has the top position," said Kamhar.

Besides, Ali Mukhni emphasized that Kamhar had two terms of serving as Regent of Padang Pariaman. Mulyadi-Ali Mukhni pair is supported by the Democratic Party and PAN, which have a total of 20 seats in the West Sumatra DPRD.

"This is an important asset with the background of legislative and executive experience contributing to regional development," he said.

Mulyadi-Ali Mukhni is the fourth pair to register with the West Sumatra KPU. Previously, there was a Mahyeldi-Audy Joinaldi pair who were promoted by PKS-PPP. Then, a pair from the Gerindra Party, namely, Nasrul Abit-Indra Catri.

The third pair, Fakhrizal-Genius Umar, who was supported by the Golkar Party, Nasdem, and PKB, registered themselves on Sunday afternoon.

Previously, PDIP Secretary-General, Hasto Kristiyanto, stated that Mulyadi returned his recommendation of support for the West Sumatra Election.

"PDI Perjuangan expresses their gratitude to Mulyadi. From the start, I suspected that Mulyadi was not as strong as a leader. So, he could easily waver in the dialectic of ideology," said Hasto in a written statement received by VOI, Sunday, September 6.

Previously, PDIP was in the spotlight because the Chairperson of the PDIP DPP, Puan Maharani, made a controversial statement. She said that hopefully, West Sumatra would support Pancasila. Some parties feel angry and offended.

A few days later, Mulyadi-Ali Mukhni stated that they had returned the recommendation letter from the PDIP. The return was responded to by DPD West Sumatra PDIP.

Chairman of the DPD PDIP West Sumatra, Alex Indra Lukman, stated that from the results of the internal meeting, they decided that the PDIP did not participate in the West Sumatra Pilgub.

Hasto said Puan Maharani's statement during the announcement of the West Sumatra cagub-cawagub was a hope that the province could be even better. Moreover, one of the national heroes, Mohammad Hatta, is from West Sumatra.

"What was conveyed by Ms. Puan is a hope that West Sumatra will be much better. Just like in the history that was recorded in gold ink. The pioneering work of West Sumatra heroes such as Moh Hatta, KH Agus Salim, Rohana Kudus, HR Rasuna Said, Moh Natsir, Tan Malaka, and others.  They were a figure and national warrior, a good learner, and an exemplary role for all Party cadres," Hasto explained.

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