JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno accompanied President Joko Widodo in the inauguration at Lake Toba. There are seven ferry ports and four motorized passenger ships (KMP) in the Ajibata Port Pier Area, Toba Regency which Jokowi inaugurated.

"This is a form of our firmness to immediately realize economic revival and employment opportunities through integrated infrastructure, so that business opportunities for the community can be wide open and provide prosperity," said Minister Sandiaga Uno, Friday, February 4.

Sandiaga explained the contents of the collaborative discussion on the ferry on the way from Ajibata Port to Samosir Island with President Jokowi. The discussion was related to the handling of the economy which aims to generate the economy and create jobs.

"Hopefully this collaborative effort can accelerate economic revival around the Lake Toba area, create job opportunities for the people, of course with programs and policies that are right on target, right to benefit, and on time," said Sandiaga.

The inauguration of the jetty and motor boat is one of the concrete steps that have been implemented for the development of tourism in Indonesia.

President Joko Widodo inaugurated seven ferry ports and four motorized passenger ships (KMP) in the Ajibata Harbor Pier Area, Toba Regency, on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. The President hopes that the ferry ports and KMP that have been inaugurated can support the existence of Lake Toba as a tourist destination excellence in the country.

"I hope that the operation of these ports and ships will support the existence of a super priority tourism destination for Lake Toba as one of the leading tourist destinations in Indonesia. Access to various places on Lake Toba is easier, faster and smoother," explained the President in his remarks.

According to President Jokowi, the ferry port and KMP are needed by the people around Lake Toba to support daily activities and mobility. Therefore, in his remarks, the President said that the government through the Ministry of Transportation built 13 ferry ports spread over seven districts.

"Ports and ships are urgently needed by the people living around Lake Toba to support daily activities and mobility, crossing from one port to another, increasing inter-district and inter-district connectivity," said the President.

The seven ports which were inaugurated by President Joko Widodo on that occasion were Ajibata and Balige Ports in Toba Regency, Tiga Ras Port in Simalungun Regency, Simanindo Port in Samosir Regency, Marbun Toruan/Baktiraja Port in Humbang Hasundutan Regency, Muara Port in North Tapanuli Regency. , and Tongging Harbor in Karo Regency.

In addition, the four KMPs launched on the same occasion are KMP Pora-Pora, KMP Caldera Toba, KMP Asa-asa Water Bus, and KMP Jurung-Jurung Water Bus.

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